Singing in the Rain

頗具盛名的音樂劇 『Singing in the Rain』在今天 (2013/06/08)演出最後一場告別作,在倫敦正式下檔了。我剛好趕上末班車,看到了真正的最後一場。我聽到一位伯伯跟販賣手冊工作人員詢問,說最後一場了有沒有甚麼特別的加碼?工作人員說, "Oh yeah, in the last few shows, they really sang their hearts out. We might have encores tonight. You're definitely in for a treat."

這是比較復古的音樂劇,劇情故事相當簡單,演出的重點在於踢踏舞(Tap Dance)以及歌手演唱。
最耳熟能詳的莫過於 Good Morning 以及Singing in the Rain 兩首,曲調輕盈氣氛也歡樂。但我更喜歡溫柔深情的 Would You完整的曲目,歌詞與影片可以在這邊找到,雖然Youtube上目前流傳的都是1952年的版本,但是經典的曲子是歷久彌新的。今天的演出,各方面都稍微有modernize過。味道再稍微活潑一些。雖然不是我最喜歡的歌舞劇風格,但大致上來說表演相當不錯。如果花大錢坐前排的坐位,雨中的舞蹈會故意潑水到觀眾席,現場驚呼聲連連,挺逗趣的。

Would You』:

He holds her in his arms, 
would you, would you? 
He tells her of her charms, 
would you, would you? 

They met as you and I and they were only friends, 
But before the story ends, 
He’ll kiss her with a sigh, would you, 
would you?

And if the girl were I would you, would you
And would you dare to say let’s do the same as they,
I would, would you? 
And would you dare to say let’s do the same as they,
I would, would you?


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